Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mayawati: Sahazadi of Lucknow

There is something very special in the air of Lucknow. Nawabs have long gone but Nawabiyat remains. Like infection it spreads everywhere. Latest victim is Ms Mayawati or I should call her Sahazadi Mayawati of Lucknow. Scale at which she is building the monuments, were possible only during Mughal period or to a lesser sacle during the period of Nawabs of Lucknow. Like Mughals and Nawabs were least bothered about the welfare of masses, our beloved Sahazadi too has little interest in the welfare. Monument coming by the side of River Yamuna in Noida is really massive. It seems Sahazadi wants to send the message through Yamuna to Taj Mahal. As if Black commandos were not enough to protect t Sahazadi, Khaki Commandos will be protecting all her statues. Sabazadi has taken lessons from Taj tourism and wants to add her own bits to the tourism industry of Lucknow kingdom. Who says Nawabs have gone from Lucknow.
Sahazadi has very high hopes of sitting on the throne of Delhi. It seems her Vazirs have not briefed her about the condition of roads from her kingdom to Delhi which are all full of potholes and crowded with slow moving traffic. No wonder Sahazadi is purchasing a special jet to bypass the roads.
Times of Mughals, Nawabs and Sahzadi forces me to go back and look into history of the fate of such rulers and the public. When Mughals were building Taj Mahal, Europeans were busy in scientific research. Newton did all his scientific work when Aurangzeb was invading and fighting wars. Our beloved Sahzadi is no different. When all states are developing their educational and research institutions, our beloved Sahazadi is busy paiting Lucknow blue and eracting her own statues. Fate of our Sahazadi and the kingdom won't be any different than those of Mughals and Nawabs. People of Uttar Pradesh will suffer like people of India in post Mughal period.

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